Lokal Amico Privacy Policy

Lokal Amico has a profound respect for user privacy. This information notice ("Privacy Policy") describes the types of personal data that are being processed, how they are used, what your options are in relation to such processing, as well as the manner in which your rights as a data subject, according to data protection regulations are respected.


Who We are?

Lokal Amico S.R.L. (“We” or “the Company”), with office at Bucuresti, Calea Mosilor, Nr 158, Sc B, Et 2, Biroul 2A, Sector 2, Romania, registered with the Bucharest Trade Registry under No. J40/670/2020, sole registration code 42139102, is the controller in connection with personal data processed via the Lokal Amico Platform.

For further details on how the Company processes your personal data, or if you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject, you may contact us at askus@lokalamico.com.

Personal data we process

We process personal data collected from end-users of the Lokal Amico Platform who register for and order the provision of services available on Our Platform (Our “Clients”). Generally, We process Our Clients’ identification and contact data (such as their name, email address, phone number, home and billing address, month and year of birth), as well as data related to their bookings through Lokal Amico Platform (date of arrival, date of departure, preferred language, etc.). Sometimes, Our Clients may provide us with the data of the individuals they are travelling with, as such data may be required in order to facilitate the booking.

In order to process payments, we may be able to see the payer’s bank account number, but we will never have access to the payer’s card details or account balance.

We will also require a username (which may be an email address) and a password in order to create an account and allow Our Clients to log in to their account.

We also process personal data collected from Our partners who have registered with the Lokal Amico Platform to provide services ordered by Our Clients. We refer to these partners as Our “Hosts”. We generally process Our Hosts’ identification and contact details (name, email, phone, month and year of birth, address, etc), as well as their profile data - data related to the services offered through the Lokal Amico Platform (availability, address, languages spoken, previous experience, education, qualifications, etc.)

In order to process payments, We may require the Host’s bank account number.

We will also require a username (which may be an email address) and a password in order to create an account and allow Our Hosts to log in to their account. Both Clients and Hosts have the possibility to sign up and log in using their social media accounts.

We will collect personal data when either Clients or Hosts actively provide such data to Us (e.g. when they fill out different forms on the Lokal Amico Platform to register, to book, or to offer a service). Nevertheless, certain information is collected automatically when you access and use the Lokal Amico Platform. This includes the IP address, the browser you’re using and your language settings. There are also situations in which We receive information about you from others or when We automatically collect other information. Please refer to Our Cookie Policy for more details on this.

Why do we process personal data?

Login and security. We process Our Clients’ and Hosts’ email addresses and passwords in order to open accounts in the Lokal Amico Platform and to ensure secure log-in. Both Clients and Hosts have the possibility to sign up and log in using their social media accounts. When We process data for login and security, We rely on Our contractual obligation to offer Our services to Our Clients and Hosts.

Evaluation of Host’s eligibility. In line with Our Terms of Service, we reserve the right to vet our prospective Hosts before allowing them to receive referrals for assignments. When we do that, we will require any prospective Host to provide data about his or her experience, qualifications, language skills, education or other data which may be relevant for the type of service they wish to offer through the Lokal Amico Platform. When we process such data We rely on your consent, which you may withdraw at any time.

Creation and management of accounts. We typically require a username (which may be an email address) and a password in order to create an account and allow Our Clients and Our Hosts to log in to their accounts. Both Clients and Hosts have the possibility to sign up and log in using their social media accounts. We use the information you give Us to administer such accounts, allowing you to manage the different functionalities of your account in Lokal Amico Platform.

Provision of Our services. We process the identification data, contact details, data related to Our Clients’ bookings as well as data related to Our Hosts’ address, availability, language skills, education, experience, qualifications, etc. in order to provide Our services to Our Hosts and to Our Clients. Sometimes We may need data related to Our Clients’ companions in order to be able to complete a booking. For example, We may require the age, clothes or shoe size of Our Clients’ companions if they wish to book a rafting trip.

Clients should be aware that We will share their identification data, contact details as well as data related to their bookings (including their companion’s data, where the case) with the Host. At the same time, Hosts should be aware that We will share their identification data, contact details and profile data with the Clients, so that Clients can chose their Host and contact the selected Host. However, we will not share bank account numbers between Our Clients and Hosts.

When we process data for provision of Our services, we rely on our contractual obligation to provide those services. Both Our Clients and Our Hosts will note that when they sign up (and sometimes even when Clients make a booking), some of the fields where they can fill in personal data are not mandatory. We will not require such data, but We will leave it to Our Clients and Our Hosts to decide if they wish to provide such data. In those circumstances, We will process such data only based on Client’s or Host’s consent, which they may withdraw at any time.

While We will not specifically ask for certain data, Our Hosts should be aware that Clients may enter different criteria when they search for a Host on the Lokal Amico Platform. Hosts may be interested to provide more details about them in order to increase the chances of their services being booked by Our Clients.

Customer service. We provide customer service to Our Clients and Hosts. Sharing relevant details, such as reservation information or information about your user account with Our customer service staff allows Us to respond when you need Us.

Payments. We do require Our Clients to pay for the services offered by Our Hosts. We also charge Our Hosts for the services We offer them through the Lokal Amico Platform, in line with Our Terms of Service. In order to process these payments correctly, We will process Our Clients’ and Our Hosts’ bank accounts. For payments with credit cards, Clients should know that We will never see their cards details. Such details will only be processed by Our payment processors who have their own data privacy policies. In some cases, We may need to know Our Clients’ and Our Hosts’ fiscal jurisdiction in order to withhold and pay taxes as per applicable laws.

Improving Our services. We will process aggregated data related to site visits, history of bookings and history of assignments to learn more about Our Clients’ and Our Hosts’ preferences in order to improve the services provided through the Lokal Amico Platform. We will not use this data in order to target Our Clients and Our Hosts with personalized advertisement, unless We have obtained consent (see below). Processing of personal data on aggregated basis for improvement of Our services relies on Our legitimate interest to provide those services which best suit Our Clients’ and Our Hosts’ needs.

Marketing. We will send commercial emails to Our Clients and Hosts if they have given Us permission to do so. Such commercial emails may include personalized offers and advertisements, which are tailored for the relevant Client of Host preferences. In order to assess these preferences, We will process data related to the relevant Client or Host’s visits on the Lokal Amico Platform, their bookings and their assignments, as well as comments made on the platform. As a matter of principle, We will process data for direct marketing only if We receive consent from Our Clients and/or Hosts. You can unsubscribe from email marketing communications at any time. All you need to do is click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link included in each commercial communication you received from Us.

Reviews. Both Our Clients and Hosts have the possibility to write reviews following their experiences. When you submit a review, it will be made public on the Lokal Amico Platform, together with your username and profile photo, unless you chose to post that review anonymously.

Legal purposes. We may need to process data collected through the Lokal Amico Platform to handle and resolve legal disputes or for regulatory and compliance purposes (such as withholding and payment of taxes). When We do that, We rely on Our legal obligations and, as the case may be, on Our legitimate interest to protect Our rights.

Who do we share your data with?

We may share your personal data to:

a) our proxies who help Us to manage the Lokal Amico Platform or provide Us with data storage services;
b) public authorities, under the law (e.g. when the law requires disclosure or when We have a legitimate interest in making the disclosure).

Where do We send your data?

We keep personal data processed through Lokal Amico Platform on cloud-based platforms managed by service providers located in EU.

As a rule, when We disclose data to third parties, We transfer the data to countries belonging to the European Economic Area or to countries which have been granted an adequate level of protection by a decision of the European Union Commission.

Some of Our partners have servers located in third countries, and therefore your personal data may be transferred to such third countries where those servers are located. In these situations, We will ensure that the transfer will be made on the basis of appropriate safeguards (such as, through the use of Standard Contract Terms adopted by the competent authority.

Our partners to whom We transfer personal data that have servers located in third countries.

The list of Our partners to whom We transfer personal data may change from time to time. You can ask Us to provide you with a complete list of countries outside the European Economic Area where your personal data may be transferred, as well as details of the measures taken for such transfers, using the contact details mentioned above.

How long do We retain your data?

We will not keep your personal data for any longer than We think is necessary to achieve the purpose pursued, plus a reasonable duration after this moment (usually no more than three years), depending on the circumstances (e.g. in case of a dispute), in compliance with the applicable legal provisions regarding the processing of personal data.

When deciding how long to keep your personal data, We consider factors including:

a) our legitimate interests where We have carried out balancing tests;
b) legal obligation(s) under applicable law to retain data for a certain period of time;
c) our contractual obligations and rights in relation to the personal data involved;
d) fraud and risk management;
e) potential disputes; and
f) guidelines issued by relevant data protection authorities.

How do We protect your data?

The Company considers information security to be a top priority. We implement systems, applications and procedures to secure your information, to minimize the risks of theft, damage, loss of information, or unauthorized access or use of information. However, these measures are unable to provide absolute assurance. Therefore, although the Company takes great efforts to protect your information, We cannot guarantee and you cannot reasonably expect that the Company’s databases will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse.

What rights you have over your data?

Right to access personal data. You have the right to make a request for a copy of the personal data that the Company holds about you. To make this request as an individual or an authorised third party, please contact Us at askus@lokalamico.com .

Right to correct personal data. You have the right to have information held about you corrected if it is not accurate. In most cases, you can correct and update your data directly in your Lokal Amico account. If you think that what We hold on you needs updating, or you think it may be inaccurate, you can contact Us.

Right to withdraw your consent. Whenever We process personal data based on data subjects’ consent, data subjects have the right to withdraw consent any time. In order to withdraw consent, you may contact Our team. If you wish to withdraw consent given for commercial communication, you can do so by simply clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in any of the commercial communications received from Us.

Right to erasure. You have the right to request that We erase your personal data We hold, if you feel that the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or that the data have been unlawfully processed.

Right to object to use of personal data. You have the right, on grounds relating to your particular situation to object to the Company processing your personal information, whenever such processing relies on Our legitimate interests, unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your rights, interest and freedoms, or unless the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Portability. You have the right to receive your personal data processed by the Company based on your consent or for the purpose of providing Our services in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have those data transmitted to another controller.

Right to restrict use of your data. If you feel data We hold on you is inaccurate or believe We shouldn’t be processing your data, please contact Us to discuss your rights. In certain circumstances you will have the right to ask Us to restrict processing.

In order to exercise the rights mentioned above and to obtain any additional information on how We process personal data, please contact Us at askus@lokalamico.com.

Right to lodge a complaint. If you want to contact Us about any of your rights or if you want to complain about how We use your information, contact Us at the address mentioned above. We’ll do Our best to help but if you’re still unhappy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Romanian National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data with the following contact details:

28-30, Bd. G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru
District 1, Bucharest, Romania

If you are a resident of another EU Member State, you may contact the data protection authority in the state of your habitual residence.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Company may from time to time change the terms of this policy. You agree to be bound by any of the changes made in the terms of this policy.